create-react-app based framework
- Designed to be forked for new projects
- Should support autofix, debugging in vscode, webstorm...atom?
- Should establish, document, and follow best practices
- Auto-formatting
- Precommit linting
- Extension suggestions
- Debugging
- Linting
- ant design
- apollo-client
- Testing components
- Data Structures
- Audit
- Security
- redux
- Folder structure
- Versioning changelog
- Code reviews
- Commit messages
- Notifications, with service workers that don't over cache
- Optimistic CRUD (appointments?)
- Component, functional tests
- Data fetching from server
- Pub/Sub jackkav/simple-subscription-client jackkav/simple-subscription-server
- Storybook
- Production Staging Drone config
- ECharts
- Login and permissions
- Reducing bundle size, code splitting, tree shaking