
Pokemon dataset in JSON format

Mongo Pokemon Dataset

I have forked ALT-WDI's excellent MongoDB lab repository (mongo-pokemon).

I am referencing the mongo-pokemon repo's dataset as of 04/19/2019. The post that I will be using this in will be static in nature and therefore I'm saving this dataset in my own GitHub to preserve it's state.

gif of terminal showing mongodb being loaded with pokemon dataset

Instructions for loading in MongoDB:

  • Clone this repository to your local device
  • Start your MongoDB instance
  • Navigate to /pokemonData/pokemon.json in your terminal
  • Run the following command: mongoimport -d pokemon -c pokemons --jsonArray < pokemon.json
  • Launch your MongoDB shell by running mongo in your terminal
  • Run the following commands to confirm the data was loaded:     show dbs     use pokemon     show collections     db.pokemons.find().pretty()

Useful Cleanup Command

mongo --quiet --eval 'db.getMongo().getDBNames().forEach(function(i){db.getSiblingDB(i).dropDatabase()})'

source: answer by kev on MongoDB drop every database