
OSGi Coding Kata/Challenges to learn OSGi

Primary LanguageJava

OSGI Kata/Coding Challenge (WIP)


A number of challenges that build up an OSGi service.


First Stage:

  • Uninstall old Kata projects first to avoid confusion
  • Make a service called ‘my-osgi-app’ that runs on Karaf

Second Stage:

  • Make a second service called ‘time-keeper’
    • it will have a function called printSomething(String input) which will be called from the ‘my-osgi-app’ service and will print a string.

Third Stage:

  • Create a gui for my-osgi-app.
    • It needs a text field and a button.
    • Ensure this is shown when you start your service

Fourth Stage:

  • Create function getTheTime() in the time-keeper app that returns the time (as a string)
  • When you press the button in my-osgi-app, it retrieves the time from ‘time-keeper’ and displays it in the textfield

Fifth Stage:

  • Create a public interface in the 'time-keeper' project called TimeKeeperService. It will have a void method called printWhoYouAre()
  • Create 4 more services in the ‘time-keeper’ class, ServiceA ServiceB ServiceC ServiceD.
    • Each component:
      • Must implement TimeKeeperService.
      • Must print service name when printWhoYouAre() is called.
    • In my-osgi-service, make it so as each TimeKeeperService goes offline/online, it calls printWhoYouAre() on the service.
    • Open the web console for Karaf and when you stop/start the components then they should print to console.

Six Stage:

  • Display 4 buttons in the ‘my-osgi-app’ with the names of the services in the time-keeper service.
  • Make it so that when each service is activated/deactivated, the buttons deactivate/activate.
  • Test using web console.

Seventh Stage:

  • The calculator app that Alex has done.

Eight Stage:

  • Add another service to Alex’s calculator.

Ninth Stage:

  • Make it like an AEM service (WIP).

Useful Commands (Maven):

  • mvn clean install -U
  • rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/(repository name)

Useful Commands (Karaf):

  • bin/karaf
  • halt
  • bundle:install mvn:com.something/articfact-id/version
  • bundle:update (bundle number)
  • list
  • feature:install scr
  • scr:list
  • feature:install webconsole
  • http://localhost:8181/system/console/components (user:karaf/password:karaf)