A small, but growing collection of animated spells for use with various VTT's in the top-down/overhead perspective. All files are in transparent webm format. Files will be located in your "Data\modules\animated-spell-effects\spell-effects" folder. If you like my work, consider saying thanks on Discord: jackkerouac#0624.
- brentonwalkerAMD
- cogito808
- dsheck
- gmillerd
- Grammarsalad
- hugoprudente@Workday
- ianelletsonMinnesota
- ingogbeSanta Terezinha de Itaipu - PR / Foz do Iguassu - PR
- Jarmahead7
- jkd359
- jshuntleyUnited States
- KaustikZombie
- LonePaladin
- lorikrellSumo Logic
- MarcelLuz@Sybit-GmbH
- Metacomet10
- mtargonskiKatowice, Poland
- nickw360Rotherham, UK
- OldManUmby@tabletop-ninja
- Prickly-Pear
- rjenksRivian Automotive
- rubendelblancoMadrid, Spain
- Ruthalas
- rycowhi
- shebkoch
- sirmmoingmmo.com, Epoca Ricerca, OpenHistoryMap
- tetshuna
- turdfire
- WeslleyNasRochaWildlife Studios
- xdyUmeå, Sweden
- xmclark