TeraHeap Artifact Evaluation

System Requirements

  • Kernel: Linux Kernel 3.10+
  • OS: Centos 7
  • Devices: NVMe SSD, Intel Optane Persistent Memory

Install Prerequisites


Set the following variables in configuration file (./scripts/conf.sh):

Variable Description
ARTIFACT_EVALUATION_REPO Path to the artifact evaluation directory
DEV Path to the file for H2
JAVA_8_PATH Set the path to java8 which is installed by the prerequisites packages
JAVA_11_PATH Set the path to java8 which is installed by the prerequisites packages
JAVA_17_PATH Set the path to java17 which is installed by the prerequisites packages
CC Set gcc compiler
CXX Set g++ compiler
ITER Iteration
DATA_HDFS Path to the directory with datasets
SPARK_MASTER Spark master host name
SPARK_SLAVE Spark slave host name
GC_THREADS Number of garbage collection threads
DEV_SHFL Device name for shuffle
MNT_SHFL Mount point for shuffle directory
DEV_H2 Device for H2
MNT_H2 Mount point for H2 TeraHeap directory
HADOOP_SLAVE Hadoop slave host name
DEV_HDFS Device for HDFS
DEV_ZK Device for Zookeeper
DEV_TH Device for TeraHeap or SD
TH_FILE_SZ TeraHeap file size in GB e.g. 900 -> 900GB
COMPUTE_THREADS Number of compute threads for Giraph

Clone JVM and Applications

Run the following scripts to build the vanilla JVMs, the JVM with TeraHeap, Spark, Giraph, and the benchmark suits for each framework.

cd ./scripts/build_jvm
cd -
cd ./scripts/build_apps

The repo after you download the JVMs, frameworks, and benchmarks suits will have the following form:

├── jdk11u
├── jdk17u
├── jdk8u
├── plots
├── README.md
├── results
├── scripts
├── tera_applications
└── teraheap

8 directories, 1 file

Generate Figure 5

cd ./scripts/experiments/figure5

Generate Figure 7

cd ./scripts/experiments/figure7

Generate Figure 11

cd ./scripts/experiments/figure11a 

cd -

cd ./scripts/experiments/figure11b 

cd - 

cd ./scripts/experiments/figure11c 