
Generate centralized capistrano skeleton for multiple deployment

Primary LanguageRuby


Generate centralized capistrano skeleton for multiple deployment.

Caphub Concept

Main idea of caphub is separate deployment and application code. So instead of capify your each project create one caphub repository and put all configurations/recipes there.


  • no deployment/application code mix.
  • all deployment located in place.
  • ability to deploy multiple projects
  • deployment is not limited application deployment - deploy your system configurations too! (nginx/haproxy/etc configs)
  • easy to share configurations/recipes among multiple deployment.
  • uptodate synchronizing with remote repository (with capistrano-uptodate).
  • generate layout with caphub or write it yourself from scratch with your own recipes


Caphub is simple generation tool that follows caphub concept.

Caphub generates similar layout that does usual capify command. Core of caphub skeleton is capistrano-multiconfig gem that allows to recursively build multiple configurations.

Another included gems are optional but might be useful:


$ gem install caphub


Generate caphub layout:

$ caphub my-deploy

Creating directory my-deploy
Creating capistrano skeleton in my-deploy
Initializating git repository in my-deploy

Layout example:

$ tree --dirsfirst my-deploy
├── config
│   ├── deploy
│   └── deploy.rb
├── recipes
├── Capfile
├── Gemfile
└── Gemfile.lock

Review gems into Gemfile and initialize gems:

$ bundle install

Push repository remote server:

git remote add origin your/remote/git/repo/url
git push -u origin master


Put own configuration in config/deploy.

E.g create config/deploy/blog/production.rb and it will be automatically available:

$ bundle exec cap -T
cap blog:production      # Load blog:production configuration

Use any recipe with configuration task (similar to multistage extension). E.g:

$ bundle exec cap blog:production deploy:setup


Add gems that contains capistrano recipes to Gemfile.

Configure and require recipes into Capfile.

Put own recipes to recipes directory.
