Word Processor

This repository contains the simple implementation of two servers of which are:

  • The input server (located in the input directory) listens for POST http requests at / on the port specified in the command line flags (defaults to 5555) which reads the raw body and appends it to the file location also supplied in flags (defaults to /tmp/data.txt)
  • The second server (located in the stats directory) reads the same file location (again this is supplied in flags) and processes the words in the file and determines some statistics which are returned at the endpoint /stats. The file pointer and statistics are refreshed every 10 seconds.

I have included a Makefile which has two tasks

  • make start will build the go binaries and then use docker-compose to start the two services.
  • make stop will stop the running binaries (also deleting the attached volume) and remove the built binaries from the system.

You can also run by compiling the binaries yourself and running them on your local machine.