Alternate repository location here:

The code to run this project is available at

The steps to run the code are pretty straightforward. First create an environment however you would like to. Then pull and pip install this repository, preferably with the -e flag.

To get the cross validation results for every model, run python -m supervised_learning.main. The results will be written to a folder within the install location as pickled .npy files.

It takes a very long time to run every model because, admittedly, I went a little overboard on the hyperparameters.

If I missed any requirements or left any pieces of analysis from my push to github, please let me know. I don't want to lose points on clerical stuff and will be happy to get things working literally any time of the day.

Looking forward to feedback. This was a lot more work than I expected, even given the many, *many* warnings ahead of time!