
React Pagination

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


React Pagination Component.

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npm install
npm start


Online example: https://pagination-react-component.vercel.app Local example: npm run start then http://localhost:9001




import Pagination from 'rc-pagination';

ReactDOM.render(<Pagination />, container);


Parameter Description Type Default
disabled disable pagination Bool -
defaultCurrent uncontrolled current page Number 1
current current page Number undefined
total items total count Number 0
defaultPageSize default items per page Number 10
pageSize items per page Number 10
onChange page change callback Function(current, pageSize) -
showSizeChanger show pageSize changer Bool false when total less then totalBoundaryShowSizeChanger, true when otherwise
totalBoundaryShowSizeChanger when total larger than it, showSizeChanger will be true number 50
pageSizeOptions specify the sizeChanger selections Array ['10', '20', '50', '100']
onShowSizeChange pageSize change callback Function(current, size) -
hideOnSinglePage hide on single page Bool false
showPrevNextJumpers show jump-prev, jump-next Bool true
showQuickJumper show quick goto jumper Bool / Object false / {goButton: true}
showTotal show total records and range Function(total, [from, to]) -
className className of pagination String -
simple when set, show simple pager Object null
locale to set l10n config Object zh_CN
style the style of pagination Object {}
showLessItems show less page items Bool false
showTitle show page items title Bool true
itemRender custom page item renderer Function(current, type: 'page' | 'prev' | 'next' | 'jump-prev' | 'jump-next', element): React.ReactNode | (current, type, element) => element
prevIcon specify the default previous icon ReactNode | (props: PaginationProps) => ReactNode
nextIcon specify the default next icon ReactNode | (props: PaginationProps) => ReactNode
jumpPrevIcon specify the default previous icon ReactNode | (props: PaginationProps) => ReactNode
jumpNextIcon specify the default next icon ReactNode | (props: PaginationProps) => ReactNode


rc-pagination is released under the MIT license.