Following issues can't be fixed.
- There are some errors during gem installation in initcontainer. It is hard to fix.
- Tried the following 3 ways for command in initcontainer, all don't work
command: - sh - -c - jekyll new /site
- command: ["jekyll", "new", "/site"]
command: - jekyll - new - /site
# hidden requirements: nodePort 31200
sed -i 's/ca-authority/ca/g' /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
sed -i 's/6433/6443/g' /root/.kube/config
k -n kube-system get deployment coredns -o yaml |\
sed 's/kubedns:1.3.1/coredns\/coredns:v1.8.6/g' |\
kubectl apply -f -
ssh node01 "systemctl status kubelet"
kubectl uncordon node01
cd /media
scp * node01:/web
Hidden requirements:
- containerPort in db pod
Create db first, then worker later. Worker deployment need to take a while.