Example about a project based on InterSystems IRIS and FHIR Adapter capabilities work with FHIR.
You can find more in-depth information in https://learning.intersystems.com.
- Git
- Docker (if you are using Windows, make sure you set your Docker installation to use "Linux containers").
- Docker Compose
- Visual Studio Code + InterSystems ObjectScript VSCode Extension
Build the image that we will use during the workshop:
$ git clone https://github.com/intersystems-ib/workshop-fhir-adapter
$ cd workshop-fhir-adapter
$ docker-compose build
With FHIR Adapter you can leverage the capability of InterSystems IRIS for Health to work with FHIR objects. You will be able to create a FHIR Façade to communicate your legacy systems and the new app based on FHIR definitions.
Very easy! Just run the following command to start the IRIS instance:
$ mkdir -p shared
$ chown -R 51773:51773 shared
$ docker-compose up -d
- An IRIS for Health Community version with FHIR Adapter installed and accesible from the Management Portal (user: SuperUser / password: SYS):
- A PostgreSQL database running some basic tables to test the FHIR Adapter functionality.
- A database explorer called Adminer (user: testuser / password: testpassword) with namespace and database pre-configured.
- A Postman json file to launch the test directly from your own Postman
- Check the PostgreSQL tables preloaded from Adminer
- Open your Postman and import file /postman/FHIR Adapter.postman_collection.json
- Select Add person and click on Send. You will receive as response the new resource of type Patient added into PostgreSQL database.
- Confirm that the patient has been saved into Patient table.
- From Postman click on Search person and update URL with the ID returned for the patient from the previous point (ie.: http://localhost:52774/Adapter/r4/Patient/4)
- Click on Send and confirm that the resource returned belongs to the patient created previously.