
支持thrift协议的纯java版的增强工具集合, pojo直接转换为thrift,json/xml转换为thrift

Primary LanguageJava

thrift-enhancer是一组支持thrift协议的加强包,设计的初衷是为了简化thrift的调用。传统的thrift会使用thrift的编译器 编译出一组代码,然后基于这组代码进行rpc编程,编译出的代码往往和组织的代码风格不同,阅读起来很不方便。更有甚者,有时候 业务中可能已经存在一组类足以描述rpc的请求或者response,但为了使用thrift又编译一组类,同时需要一组转换的工具类,使得 代码膨胀厉;传统的thrift没有实现协议转换,比如 json与thrift的协议转换,这在网关应用中很重要;我们要替换传统的thrift 调用,那么transport的功能也应该是必不可少的了。thrift-enhancer提供了如下能力:

  • thrift-stuff: pojo转出成thrift二进制协议的能力,这一点与protostuff 类似, 目前实现了thrift的二进制和压缩协议
  • thrift-translator: 提供动态解析idl并生成参数对象的能力,动态生成的参数对象可以自动转换为thrift协议数据,同时提供 thrift与json、xml的双向转换, 动态解析idl功能基于antlr4)实现
  • thrift-client: 提供thrift调用的能力,目前仅支持 TSocket的能力

1. 使用thrift-stuff 转换pojo

1.1 导入




compile group: 'com.github.rolandhe', name: 'thrift-stuff', version: '1.0.0'

1.2 examples

1.2.1 创建pojo

public enum  PojoAdStyle {

public class PojoStandardAd {
  private byte type; // required
  private short category; // required
  private int id; // required
  private long seq; // required
  private String name; // required
  private byte[] content; // required
  private boolean isStart; // required
  private double percent; // required
  private PojoAdStyle adStyle; // required

  public byte getType() {
    return type;

  public void setType(byte type) {
    this.type = type;

  public short getCategory() {
    return category;

  public void setCategory(short category) {
    this.category = category;

  public int getId() {
    return id;

  public void setId(int id) {
    this.id = id;

  public long getSeq() {
    return seq;

  public void setSeq(long seq) {
    this.seq = seq;

  public String getName() {
    return name;

  public void setName(String name) {
    this.name = name;

  public byte[] getContent() {
    return content;

  public void setContent(byte[] content) {
    this.content = content;

  public boolean getIsStart() {
    return isStart;

  public void setStart(boolean start) {
    isStart = start;

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
      return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
      return false;
    PojoStandardAd that = (PojoStandardAd) o;
    return type == that.type &&
        category == that.category &&
        id == that.id &&
        seq == that.seq &&
        isStart == that.isStart &&
        Double.compare(that.percent, percent) == 0 &&
        Objects.equals(name, that.name) &&
        Arrays.equals(content, that.content) &&
        adStyle == that.adStyle;

  public int hashCode() {

    int result = Objects.hash(type, category, id, seq, name, isStart, percent, adStyle);
    result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(content);
    return result;

  public double getPercent() {
    return percent;


  public void setPercent(double percent) {
    this.percent = percent;

  public PojoAdStyle getAdStyle() {
    return adStyle;

  public void setAdStyle(PojoAdStyle adStyle) {
    this.adStyle = adStyle;


1.2.2 序列化/反序列化

public static PojoStandardAd createPojoAd(int id) {
    PojoStandardAd pojoStandardAd = new PojoStandardAd();

    pojoStandardAd.setSeq(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1L);
    return pojoStandardAd;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    PojoStandardAd pojoStandardAd = createPojoAd(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    byte[] pojoBuffer = PojoBinarySerializer.encode(pojoStandardAd);

    // 反序列化
    PojoStandardAd decodePojo = PojoBinarySerializer.decode(PojoStandardAd.class,pojoBuffer);


1.3 泛型支持注解

thrift idl支持map, list, set, 但java的泛型是语法糖,在编译后会丢失泛型信息,因此需要注解来描述泛型类型。

1.3.1 ListContainer

描述list field

  • value()用于指定list element对应的类
  • realListClass() 用于反序列化时构建java List对象的实现类,可以指定ArrayList,LinkedList等

1.3.2 SetContainer

类似 ListContainer, 用于指定set 类型

1.3.3 MapContainer

描述 map field

  • keyClass(), 指定map key的类型
  • valueClass() 指定map value类型
  • realMapClass(), 反序列化时用于指定java Map的实现类,比如HashMap,TreeMap等

1.3.4 Optional

对应thrift optional,描述指定的field是可选的

1.4 支持泛型的例子

public class PojoCreative {
  private long id;
  private List<PojoStandardAd> standardList;
  private List<Byte> byteList;
  private List<Short> shortList;
  private List<Integer> intList;
  private List<Long> longList;
  @MapContainer(keyClass = String.class,valueClass = String.class)
  private Map<String,String> mapString;
  @MapContainer(keyClass = String.class,valueClass = PojoStandardAd.class)
  private Map<String,PojoStandardAd> mapAd;
  @MapContainer(keyClass = Integer.class,valueClass = String.class)
  private Map<Integer,String> intPair;
  private PojoStandardAd spec;

  public long getId() {
    return id;

  public void setId(long id) {
    this.id = id;

  public List<PojoStandardAd> getStandardList() {
    return standardList;

  public void setStandardList(List<PojoStandardAd> standardList) {
    this.standardList = standardList;

  public List<Byte> getByteList() {
    return byteList;

  public void setByteList(List<Byte> byteList) {
    this.byteList = byteList;

  public List<Short> getShortList() {
    return shortList;

  public void setShortList(List<Short> shortList) {
    this.shortList = shortList;

  public List<Integer> getIntList() {
    return intList;

  public void setIntList(List<Integer> intList) {
    this.intList = intList;

  public List<Long> getLongList() {
    return longList;

  public void setLongList(List<Long> longList) {
    this.longList = longList;

  public Map<String, String> getMapString() {
    return mapString;

  public void setMapString(Map<String, String> mapString) {
    this.mapString = mapString;

  public Map<String, PojoStandardAd> getMapAd() {
    return mapAd;

  public void setMapAd(
      Map<String, PojoStandardAd> mapAd) {
    this.mapAd = mapAd;

  public Map<Integer, String> getIntPair() {
    return intPair;

  public void setIntPair(Map<Integer, String> intPair) {
    this.intPair = intPair;

  public PojoStandardAd getSpec() {
    return spec;

  public void setSpec(PojoStandardAd spec) {
    this.spec = spec;

  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) {
      return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
      return false;
    PojoCreative that = (PojoCreative) o;
    return id == that.id &&
        Objects.equals(standardList, that.standardList) &&
        Objects.equals(byteList, that.byteList) &&
        Objects.equals(shortList, that.shortList) &&
        Objects.equals(intList, that.intList) &&
        Objects.equals(longList, that.longList) &&
        Objects.equals(mapString, that.mapString) &&
        Objects.equals(mapAd, that.mapAd) &&
        Objects.equals(intPair, that.intPair) &&
        Objects.equals(spec, that.spec);

  public int hashCode() {

    return Objects
        .hash(id, standardList, byteList, shortList, intList, longList, mapString, mapAd, intPair,

static PojoCreative createPojoCreative(){
    PojoCreative pojoCreative = new PojoCreative();

    pojoCreative.setId(Long.MAX_VALUE - 1L);

    Map<String,String> stringMap = new HashMap<>();

    Map<String,PojoStandardAd> pojoStandardAdMap = new HashMap<>();

    Map<Integer,String> integerStringMap = new HashMap<>();


    return pojoCreative;
  public static void main(String[] args) {
       PojoCreative pojoCreative = createPojoCreative();
       byte[] pojoBuffer = PojoBinarySerializer.encode(pojoCreative);
      // 反序列化
      PojoCreative decodePojo = PojoBinarySerializer.decode(PojoCreative.class,pojoBuffer);

1.5 rpc调用序列化

上面的例子都是实现的TSerializer的功能,rpc调用时 thrift的 struct会被封装成一个message的结构, 而且需要提供一次调用的id,该id会被rpc调用完成后被原封不动的返回,可以用调用时的id和返回id进行核对 信息的正确性。FunctionCallContext描述rpc方法的一次调用。

1.5.1 encodeMessage方法

打包rpc 调用 message

1.5.6 decodeMessage


1.7 PojoCompactSerializer

实现了 thrift compact协议

2 使用 thrift-translator转换 json与thrift

日常业务中大家会在内部服务中使用thrift,而与外部的交流中会使用http/https,这时就需要一个称之为"gateway"的系统 把内部服务thrift方法暴露成http/https, 在gateway中如果针对每个thrift接口都开发协议转换或者调用thriftsdk的话, 那开发的工作量就比较巨大,而且容易引起jar包冲突,此时的理想状态就是使用一个json/xml到thrift的协议转换工具。而 thrift-translator就是这样的工具,而该转换工具仅仅使用thrift idl即可,不使用其他工具。


<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.rolandhe/thrift-translator -->

gradle 导入:

// https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.rolandhe/thrift-translator
compile group: 'com.github.rolandhe', name: 'thrift-translator', version: '1.0.0'

2.1 设计原理

thrift是使用idl来描述接口文档的,thrift idl主要包含 enum、struct、service 3中主要对象(由于java没有union,所以我们也暂时不支持union), 我们可以把thrift的idl文件解析出来,使用java 对象把enum、struct、service描述出来,这样就在一个抽象的级别 构建出thrift对象,比如struct就是一个 field(name/type/optional)的列表,而struct的实例就是一个field/value的列表。
antlr4是一个构建编译器的工具,它使用类似bnf的语言来描述语言的词法和语法,然后就能构建出这门语言的编译器,按照thrift的语法可以 定义对应的thrift的bnf(resources/Thrift.g4)。使用thrift的语法编译器就可以解析thrift的idl,由此能够动态实例化struct或者 thrift service方法的参数。

使用jackson的sax功能可以遍历json string,然后按照解析出的thrift struct就能够完成json field与thrift struct field的映射, 从而完成json与thrift的互转,动态thrift struct实例使用thrift-stuff序列化成byte数组。

xml的转换与json类似,使用jackson xml组件完成。

2.2 使用

2.2.1 thrift idl


namespace java com.github.rolandhe.thrift.enhancer.test

enum AdStyle

struct StandardAd
  1: i8 type,
  2: i16 category,
  3: i32 id,
  4: i64 seq,
  5: string name,
  6: binary content,
  7: bool isStart,
  8: double percent,
  9: AdStyle adStyle

struct Creative {
 1: i64 id,
 2: list<StandardAd> standardList,
 3: list<i8> byteList,
 4: list<i16> shortList,
 5: list<i32> intList,
 6: list<i64> longList,
 7: map<string,string> mapString,
 8: map<string,StandardAd> mapAd,
 9: optional map<i32, string> intPair,
 10: StandardAd spec

struct CreativeAll {
 1: i64 id,
 2: list<StandardAd> standardList,
 3: list<i8> byteList,
 4: list<i16> shortList,
 5: list<i32> intList,
 6: list<i64> longList,
 7: map<string,string> mapString,
 8: map<string,StandardAd> mapAd,
 9: optional map<i32, string> intPair,
 10: StandardAd spec,
 11: i8 type,
 12: i16 category,
 13: i32 shortid,
 14: i64 seq,
 15: string name,
 16: binary content,
 17: bool isStart,
 18: double percent,
 19: AdStyle adStyle


include "entity.thrift"
namespace java com.github.rolandhe.thrift.enhancer.test

service CreativeService
    void create(1: entity.Creative creative),
    map<string,string> convert(1: entity.Creative creative),
    list<i32> getList(),
    entity.StandardAd build(),
    map<i32,string> work(),
    bool show()
    entity.AdStyle getStyle()

2.2.2 json translate example

 public static void main(String[] args) {
    PojoStandardAd pojoStandardAd = createPojoAd(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    // convert to json
    String json = JsonHelper.toJson(pojoStandardAd);

    ResourceStreamIdlParser resourceStreamIncludeParser = new ResourceStreamIdlParser();
    // load thrift idl file from resources
    ThriftJavaIdl thriftJavaIdl = resourceStreamIncludeParser.parse("complex.thrift");

    JsonTranslator jsonTranslator = new JsonTranslator();

    byte[] transBuffer = jsonTranslator
        .translateRequest(json, thriftJavaIdl, "entity.StandardAd", false);

更多示例参见 unit test case。

2.2.3 idl解析

IdlParser 接口定义了idl文件的解析功能,AbstractIdlParser 实现了具体的解析实现,你只需要提供一个 idl文件的流即可,即你需要实现openInputStream方法,基于AbstractIdlParser你可以解析存储在任意地方 的idl 文件,比如: 你可以从web下载一个idl文件并解析。我们已经内置了:

  • ResourceStreamIdlParser, 支持从resources加载idl文件
  • FileIdlParser, 从绝对路径读取idl文件解析

2.2.4 协议转换

  • JsonTranslator, 实现json与thrift的转换
  • XmlTranslator, 实现xml与thrift的转换


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