CORWA: A Citation-Oriented Related Work Annotation Dataset, NAACL 2022

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This work is accepted by NAACL 2022 (video).


This repo provides a tagger that labels the related work sections of NLP papers in the following way:

  • Discourse tagging: Each sentence is labeled with one of single document summarization, multi document summarization, narrative with citation, transition, reflection or other.
  • Citation spans that semantically identifies the text span derived from the cited papers are extracted. We discourage using the prevailing citation sentences because of the serious information loss and information leak issue explianed in the paper.
  • Each citation span is classified into dominant (long) or reference (shot) type.

Finally, the code for LED-based citation span generation is provided in this repo.


The required packages are in requirements.txt. Note that transformers==4.2.0 is strongly recommended for Longformer-Encoder-Decoder citation span generator.

Overall data pipeline

We extract related work sections from S2ORC dataset, whose metadata attributes containing ACL id, to related_work.jsonl. Then for the annotations and experiments in CORWA paper, we generally store the related work sections in the BRAT format, then read from, and write to BRAT format. However, if you are simply interested in using the joint related work tagger, you may use pipeline/pipeline.py to start from related_work.jsonl and output a jsonl file.

View the dataset in BRAT


  • The CORWA train- and test-set are under data/.
  • CORWA distant-set is also released under data/.
  • NEW: The dataset is available in both BRAT and jsonl format.



Under experiments/:

Implementations of the experiments in the CORWA paper. They are not necessarily recommended to reuse for the future work. Consult the next section for the future usage of joint related work tagger.

  • cross_validation_joint_tagger.py, train_joint_tagger.py and predict_joint_tagger.py cross-validate, train and predict the joint related work tagger, described in section 4.
  • pattern_extraction.py corresponds to the experiments for Table 7 and 8.
  • writing_style.ipynb contains the code for the statistics and visualizations in section 3.3.
  • rouge_salient_sentence.ipynb contains the code for the experiment in section 5.1.
  • related_work2brat.ipynb shows how to convert related work sections extracted from S2ORC's pdf_parse json objects to BRAT format for annotation.
  • LED.py, LED_sentence_generation.py are the code for citation span generation and sentence-level baseline, described in section 5.2.

Usage of joint related work tagger for future work

Note that you may use newer package versions as specified in requirements.txt for joint related work tagger.

Under pipeline/:

  • filter_ACL_S2ORC.py and S2ORC_parse_related_work.ipynb are example code to extract related work sections from S2ORC metadata and pdf_parses.

  • Run pipeline.py --related_work_file RELATED_WORK.FILE --checkpoint CHECKPOINT.FILE --output_file YOUR_OUTPUT.jsonl to directly tag related work sections, and outputs a human-readable jsonl file.

  • Output jsonl format:

    • Each line is a json object, corresponding to a paragraph of related work section.
    • Attributs:
        "id": paragraph_id, // S2ORC_papar_id + paragraph_index
        "paragraph": string, // Paragraph of related work, with each sentence led by [BOS] token
        "discourse_tags": [string], // list of discourse tags for each sentence
        "span_citation_mapping": [ // Each element corresponds to a citation span.
                "token_start": int,
                "token_end": int, // start and end indices of the citation span, in terms of tokens, tokenized by the SciBERT tokenizer by Huggingface
                "char_start": int,
                "char_end": int, // start and end indices of the citation span, in terms of characters
                "span_type": "Dominant" or "Reference",
                "span_citation_mapping": {
                    "Dominant": {
                        citation_mark: cited_paper_id
                    "Reference": {
                        citation_mark: cited_paper_id

New feature

Refer to pipeline/Paragraph_JointTagger.ipynb for parsing any related work section paragraphs using our joint tagger. No S2ORC needed in this case!

Cite our paper

    title = "{CORWA}: A Citation-Oriented Related Work Annotation Dataset",
    author = "Li, Xiangci  and
      Mandal, Biswadip  and
      Ouyang, Jessica",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies",
    month = jul,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Seattle, United States",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.naacl-main.397",
    pages = "5426--5440",
    abstract = "Academic research is an exploratory activity to discover new solutions to problems. By this nature, academic research works perform literature reviews to distinguish their novelties from prior work. In natural language processing, this literature review is usually conducted under the {``}Related Work{''} section. The task of related work generation aims to automatically generate the related work section given the rest of the research paper and a list of papers to cite. Prior work on this task has focused on the sentence as the basic unit of generation, neglecting the fact that related work sections consist of variable length text fragments derived from different information sources. As a first step toward a linguistically-motivated related work generation framework, we present a Citation Oriented Related Work Annotation (CORWA) dataset that labels different types of citation text fragments from different information sources. We train a strong baseline model that automatically tags the CORWA labels on massive unlabeled related work section texts. We further suggest a novel framework for human-in-the-loop, iterative, abstractive related work generation.",