Java 2 S3 CLI

Python CLI for publish maven projects to an S3 maven repository. Requires maven installed in your path.


pip install j2s3-cli


Usage: j2s3 [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI for publish maven Java projects to an s3 maven repository

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  publish  Publish a maven project to an s3 maven...
Usage: j2s3 publish [OPTIONS]

  Publish a maven project to an s3 maven repository.  Your input directory
  must contain valid java source and a maven pom.xml file.  Your s3 bucket
  must exist and your IAM user must have GetObject and PutObject access.

  -l, --location PATH  Input directory containing Java source and pom.xml file
  -u, --username TEXT  AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID for an IAM user with s3 access
  -p, --password TEXT  AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY for an IAM user with s3 access
  -b, --bucket TEXT    Existing AWS S3 bucket name
  -d, --dry            Dry run
  --help               Show this message and exit


Pull requests and bug reports welcome on the github repository and the underlying library.