Template for SENG365 student repo


The files in this repo are required to implement the continuous deployment process for the 2017 SENG365 assignments. This repo is intended to be used as the template-url argument the create-repos.js script from the seng365/gitlab-setup repo, for example:

node create-repos.js --private-token=<your gitlab private token> --env=production --template-url=<this repo>

Overview of the continuous deployment process

  1. You hackity hack...
  2. You commit your changes to your git repo on eng-git.canterbury.ac.nz.
  3. That triggers the GitLab CI runner, which starts a GitLab docker executor on the build VM (as defined in /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml) to build your application within a docker container.
  4. The executor runs the build defined in your .gitlab-ci.yml, by passing each script line in the build section to a container which includes binaries for docker compose in an otherwise standard docker-in-docker image. (We use a form of the "'docker socket binding" method)
  5. The docker executor now runs the build script in .gitlab-ci.yml (docker compose build) in the build container.
  6. Docker compose build follows the build steps from docker-compose.yml to build the application.
  7. If the build step succeeds, the CI runner on the VM then runs the scripts in the deploy section of .gitlab-ci.yml in the same way.
  8. This calls docker compose down to stop any previous version of your app, and then docker compose up to start the now-built services defined in docker-compose.yml, using that files definition for the port mapping from container to host ports.
  9. Your application is now up-and-running.
  10. As docker compose up in .gitlab-ci.yml has the -d flag, the CM runner doesn't wait for it to finish and so can immediately mark the deploy as complete.