
Reedit bot for requiring submission statements on link posts.

Primary LanguagePython

Submission Statement & Flair only on certain days Bot

This is a Reddit bot that checks submissions for two things:

  • If an OP does not include a statement (comment on their own post) within a certain timeframe, the post is removed.

  • If a post with the specified flair is posted on the wrong day, it will be removed with the given message.

Credit goes to epicmindwarp for writing the initial version of this bot. Also credit to rezl for extending it and writing this README.


  • Python 3.7+
  • praw 6.3.1+

How to Host the Bot on Heroku

The main advantage of Heroku is their base plan includes enough hours to host this bot for free. This guide assumes you’re using Windows and this bot's code, but should work for getting a general Reddit bot running on Heroku as well.

Setup Git

  1. Create a Github account.

  2. Assuming you're reading this on the repo page, select ‘fork’ to create a copy of it to your Github account.

  3. From your new repo, select Clone or download and then Download ZIP to download a local copy. We’ll come back to this later.

  4. Make note of (copy/paste somewhere) your Reddit app’s Client ID. This the string directly under personal use script. This is your Reddit App Client ID.

  5. Make note of (copy/paste somewhere) the URL linking to your repo (e.g. https://github.com/yourusername/collapse). This is your Github Repo URL.

  6. Go here and install Git if you don’t have it already.

Setup Heroku

  1. Create a Heroku account. This is the service which will be running the bot.

  2. Once created, create a new Heroku app.

  3. Add an app name and select create app

  4. On the following page (Deploy) make sure Deployment method is set to Heroku Git (should be by default)

  5. Click the Settings tab to go to your app’s settings page. Make note of (copy/paste somewhere) the Heroku git URL, we’ll need it later. This is your Heroku Git URL.

  6. Click the Deploy tab to load up the Deploy Instructions. Keep this open for later.

  7. Install Heroku SLI. This will allow us to manage the app via a terminal.

Setup Reddit

  1. Create a new Reddit account with the name you’d like for your bot.

  2. Login into your primary Reddit account which moderates your subreddit.

  3. Go to https://old.reddit.com/r/YOURSUBREDDIT/about/moderators/ and invite the bot to become a moderator with full permissions.

  4. Log back into the bot’s account and accept the invitation.

  5. Go to https://old.reddit.com/prefs/apps/ and select Create and app

  6. Type a name for your app and choose script.

  7. Write a short description of what your bot will be doing.

  8. Set the about URI to your Github Repo URL.

  9. Set the redirect URI to your Heroku Git URL.

  10. Select create app.

  11. Make note of the secret code for the next steps.

Configure the Bot

  1. Take the local copy of your repo and extract it to wherever you’d like it to live on your machine. I put it at the root of my hard drive (e.g. c:/mybot) so I don’t have to type out a longer path once we’re in the terminal, but it's just personal preference.

  2. Open bot.py

  3. Change the number in RGX_SENTENCE_3 to set the minimum number of characters you want to require for the bot to consider a submission statement valid (default is fifty).

  4. Change ENTER_YOUR_SUBREDDIT_NAME to your sub’s name.

  5. Set the two REMOVAL_REPLY texts to whatever you’d like the bot to comment after removing a post

  6. Save the file.

  7. Open config.py and fill in these fields with your info. Make sure not to remove the apostrophes surrounding them.

username = 'BotRedditUsername'
password = 'BotRedditPassword'
client_id = 'RedditAppClientID'
client_secret = 'RedditAppSecret'
  1. Save the file.

Upload the Bot

  1. Open Git Bash (Windows key, then type Git Bash).

  2. Type heroku login in the terminal. This will open a browser window and have you login to Heroku. The terminal should say you’re logged in now. If it hangs, try this. The next commands you're need to enter can also be referenced in the Deploy tab on the Heroku site.

$ cd c:folderyourbotisin

$ git init

$ heroku git:remote -a yourbotname

$ git add .

$ git commit -am "make it better"

$ git push heroku master
  1. Once it is it done deploying go to back to the Heroku page.

  2. Select the Resources tab.

  3. Click the pen icon next to worker python bot.py

  4. Click the toggle to the left of the pen to activate the process. It should turn blue.

  5. Click confirm. This will start running the bot process.

  6. Select More and View logs

  7. You should now see the bot in action. You can check your subreddit to see whatever changes it made (if any) as well as make a test post to ensure it's working properly.

Upgrade your Heroku hours

Optional: go to the Heroku billing page (https://dashboard.heroku.com/account/billing) and add a credit card to your account. Heroku limits the number of hours they will run your bot each month. This can be increased by attaching a credit card to the account. This bot will not use up it’s free monthly allowance, but will not have enough free hours without a card attached.

Other related guides:

🤖 Making a Reddit Bot using Python and Heroku

[Reddit Watchbot](https://github.com/Visovsiouk/reddit-watchbot

Making a Reddit + Facebook Messenger Bot
