COVID-19 Modelling

Work in progress state space model of the corona pandemic.


Get the code

This repo contains a submodule post_lin_smooth, the easiest way to get the full code base is to recursively clone this repo by running:

git clone --recursive


Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt and can be installed with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Get data from

Download data from to a local JSON file:

# Make sure that the current directory is the repo root
python src/ --output-file <name-of_data-file>.json


The src directory contains example scripts to demonstrate the posterior linearization, they are supposed to be run from the repo root.

python src/<name-of-example>.py
# E.g.
python src/


  • Setup CT test with tricky data, increased noise. Create situation where iterations are required.
  • Iterative version of SLR smoothing.
  • Naïve truncated sampling for FHM model(s)
  • Gauss sampling on subspace (states sum to 1)
  • Generalise SLR linearization to any(?) lin.
  • Create a class for partial SLR.
  • Toy SIR model, in place but trunc. sampling not working.
  • Impl partial SLR for FHM model(s)
  • Square root version of KF and RTS
  • Actual FHM model
  • Modified FHM model
  • Parameter estimation (MCMC, possibly EM)