The idea behind Goalbuddy is to create a social network for people to connect with other users that share similar goals. The primary feature is shared goal setting, and the ability for user's to establish a relationship of accountability.
A primary feature of the site will be the ability for a user to create a "pending buddy request", and to view said requests made by other users. If a user finds a goal they would like to actively participate in they can "connect" with the user that original created the request. Once users are connected they will have the ability to negotiate the parameters of the relationship.
Another primary feature is the social aspect of GoalBuddy. Like MyFitnessPal, users will be able to share their progress towards their goal, and like, comment, etc. on posts highlighting progress.
A secondary feature of Goalbuddy is gamifying established relationships in order to incentivize users to take full advantage of the platform. How this will be executed is not entirely clear at this point, however it will involve some form of reward for when users successfully complete the goals they set.
Developing this project in React seemed easier and more straightforward than in Angular, however that may be due to my familiarity with component driven development via Angular
- Open your terminal or command prompt and input
cd desktop
thengit clone
to install the files onto your desktop. - Once downloaded, in terminal type in
cd friday-react
and it will take you into the correct file. - Run
npm install
to get all needed dependencies - You may run
npm run start
to bring up a live version of the website through your local host - Create a repository for yourself on github or what application you may use
- Copy url link thats given and run
git remote add -Your initials- -Link-
inside your terminal - Push your project when ready with
git push -Your initials- -Branch name (master is default)-
unforseen issues included passing images as props
currently unable to render an image via a prop
No other Known bugs
Feel free to contact Jack at
This Software is Licensed under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2019 Jack Collins