
An Arduino project that converts a Model 33 Teletype into an improved version of a Model 32 Teletype. This project was a "great experiment" to make my Model 33 work with my HAL ST-8000 HF Modem.


  1. Model 32 mode converts ASCII to Baudot and vice-versa
  2. Straight Model 33 mode
  3. 45, 50, 75, 100 baud Baudot
  4. Reader Control feature controlled by CTS or internal buffer. Makes possible the use of the Paper Tape Reader when operating at 45 baud.
  5. Unshift on space
  6. Local Echo
  7. Convert LF to CRLF
  8. Line wrap at 68 or 72 characters
  9. Macros. 10 programmable macros are available using the Escape key plus a number 0-9 from the M33 keyboard.
  10. Debug mode. Prints a '<' for letters and a '>' for figures
  11. All features programmable via the Arduino USB programming port at 9600 bps, using the Escape key.