
An chrome extension for manipulating the render tree

Primary LanguageHTML

Famous Inspector


Clone the GitHub repository.

git clone git@github.com:famousinternal/famous-inspector.git

Open the URL chrome://extensions/ in your browser.

Check the box for Developer Mode

Click the button Load unpacked extension...

Select the folder you downloaded the repository into and you are done.


Open the devtools on any page containing the requireJS build of famous and an exposed window.context. To test it out, try opening test.html

Project Structure

server/ contains the server that the UI talks through to the famous runtime.

app/ contains the web inspector client that sits within devtools.

app/init.js bootstraps the extension UI and patches all the APIs needed to connect to famous. This is the only file needed in the folder.

server/FamousParasite.js is the main glue that hooks into famous and translates it into the language of the web inspector code.

server/InjectedScriptHost.js stubs out a host environment used by the InjectedScriptSource module, in the inspector package.

server/InspectorBackend.js tracks events from the host and sends them to extension.

server/RuntimeAgent.js exposes objects on the host to the extension

server/RuntimeClient.js runs in any of the web inspector pages, and adds the runtime into the user's page. This module is also responsible for loading scripts extension side. There is some ad hoc dependency management for building large extensions in order if that is necessary.

chrome/* is a list of files forked from https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/blink.git/+/master/Source/devtools/front_end/ to bootstrap the builtin web inspector.

App/InspectorOverlayPage.html is an experimental threejs overlay for unity-like handles to allow you to transform matrices with your hands. Would be really easy in famous mixed-mode(stencil/clear the surface dimensions), so rather than perfect it I'll leave it as a proof of concept of how to hook into this frame

Repurposing server for a new extension

  • To create a new UI ontop of the existing system,just rm -rf chrome app/*.js
  • add a new app/init.js
  • and hook into agents.domAgent which will call out to server/DomAgent.js -> server/FamousParasite.js


  • quiet mode for hiding modifiers
  • add gestures for rotateAxis and higher level transforms. drag/pull on inputs
  • add inputs for skew, color, origin, aline
  • tweening and animation
  • maniputale Scene Definition instead of object notation?
  • redo tree ui for virtual scrolling, nuke chrome folder and allow single medium of communication
  • make inputs read mind
  • leap motion integration

metrics + analytics
