
Primary LanguagePython


Encryption and Descryption example using RSA Algorithm in Python - Asymmetric


To simulate generation, run the file main.py.

The variables nBits and nMedia are responsible for the creation:

  • nBits - Number of Bits for Encryption
  • nMedia - Number of generations of each Bit

An infosTime.dat file containing the average runtime of each Decryption per Bit will be generated, according to the stipulated number of generations.

They were tested with an average of 20 bits.

The Gross Force Decryption method was used starting from 3 to the square root of the value of N. It was also used the Pollard Rho heuristic to reduce the break time of the key.

With values less than 5 key bits, the Pollard Rho heuristic in few values was not effective.

For the primality test two heuristics were evaluated: MillerRabin and Fermat. Fermat's heuristics proved more effective.