A tumblr theme for cataloging books. In use at books.jacksondc.com.
The Library theme only supports link posts. Put the book name as the title and the author as the caption. Supported tags are reading
, favorite
, fiction
, and nonfiction
##Configuration Explanations for the less-obvious options.
- Show Links Customize which links are shown on the main page.
- Show Tags Customize which tags are visible.
- Disable Tumblr Controls Hide the default follow and dashboard links.
- Epoch Year Use fuzzy dates before the epoch year. Useful if you don't have exact dates books before a certain date.
- Title/Body Font Name of the font, e.g. Open Sans.
- Google Fonts URL The "family" parameter for Google Fonts. In the form of font:weight with + signs for spaces, e.g. Open+Sans:400.