Tilt Brush clone for Google Cardboard.  A Bluetooth controller
is required to play.


This game has only been tested with a Power A Moga Hero Bluetooth controller 
and Android smartphone.  Other bluetooth controllers are likely to work 
but not guaranteed.


1. Use the left joystick to walk
2. Use head movement to turn
3. Use the right joystick to move the sphere forward, backward, left, and right
4. Use head movement to move the sphere up and down
5. Hold down the right bumper to paint
6. Press buttons A, X, Y, B to change paint color
7. Click the left joystick to return to your original position (especially helpful
	if you fall off the platform)
8. Click the right joystick to return the sphere to the front of you (especially 
	helpful if you lose track of the sphere)
9. Click the left bumper to delete all paint in the scene
10. Press start to open up the main menu, with which you can change the game’s background