
Because it's hip to add an "r" at the end. r.

MIT LicenseMIT

Stories in Ready


Because it's hip to add an "r" at the end. r.

Some catch phrase here...


Archivr is a tool for archiving and annotating the internet. Archiving involves taking screenshots of current sites. Availability for public and private archives. Integrates with social platforms to share your favorite archives with friends. Create a visual catalogue of your favorite moments from the internet -- for design or memories.


The internet is emphemeral. We provide a way to capture it. Then we make it easy to take notes on it, point out features, etc.


Ease of use: enter the URL, get the screencapture, and then annotate it. Save in your notebook and view later or share with your friends!

Quote from You

"I can't believe it... adding the 'r' really did make it better!" - Anonymous

How to Get Started

Connect easily through your favorite social media platforms. Then enter a URL and you're started!

Customer Quote

"All my archiving dreams came true-r!" - Anonymous

Closing and Call to Action
