
New Home-Manager(/eventual-NixOS) setup

Primary LanguageLua


At this moment, these configs prioritize non-NixOS Nix installations. In other words, Nix (with the nix-command and flake features enabled) is installed, and you want to use Home-Manager to manage your programs+dotfiles. That is my particular use-case for the time being.

This repo provides a script, init-repo.sh, which will need to be run from the root of the repo whenever it's cloned/copied over (i.e. pulled) iff you don't want to use build-usr.sh, which does it for you. This will determine a couple sensible default/utility values (i.e. your current username, your home directory, and where the repo lives on your filesystem).


  1. Install Nix if you have not already, via:
# As a non-root user with sudo access, but DON'T INVOKE WITH SUDO, the script
# will call it for you.
curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh -s -- --daemon

# (This installs Nix in multi-user mode)

(0.5) Enable flake-use if you have not already, via:

Running nix-env -iA nixpkgs.nixUnstable

Adding experimental-features = nix-command flakes to ~/.config/nix/nix.conf (you may need to create it) AND/OR /etc/nix/nix.conf. The former will enable flakes and the new Nix CLI for just the current user, while the latter will enable them system-wide.

And for good measure, if Nix is in multi-user mode, restart the daemon via systemctl restart nix-daemon.

  1. Clone the repo: git clone git@github.com:samuelludwig/nixrc.git

  2. cd into the repo.

  3. Run ./build-usr <config-name>, which will build and activate the chosen home-manager config.

Initially available Configs

These can all be found/modified in flake.nix:

  • linux-server <- Just some terminal apps, a safe enough start
  • garuda-desktop <- Untested
  • nixos-desktop <- Untested

Module philosophy

I try to keep modules as self contained as possible, if one module is turned off or removed, there shouldn't be any edits needed to other files. This does beget some repetition and fragmentation as a tradeoff however.

Install cachix

nix-env -iA cachix -f https://cachix.org/api/v1/install


add cachix settings to home manager config