"Xplora Tours and Travels

Xplora is a tours and travels platform that aims to simplify the travel experience for users by providing a one stop solution for discovering, booking, and enjoying tours around Kenya. These could include hikes, cultural excursions, or weekend getaways.

You are tasked to build this solution.



Create an account.
Manage profiles and password reset.
Secure authentication using JWT.
Personalized dashboard for users to track their bookings and reviews.

Admin should be able to manage tours (add, soft-delete, update).
Can manage their profiles.
Can manage the user accounts.

Create new events, including destination, duration, price, and tour type.
Display available events.
Allow users to search for tours, filter based on tour type.
Enable users to book tours.
Users should be able to leave reviews for a tour they have experienced (reviews should be open only after duration when the tour is happening)

Frontend - Angular