The COMFORT jacoco listener provides a custom JUnit listener. It works together with
Jacoco and lets Jacoco create a .exec file where one session corresponds to one
test method that was executed. This .exec file can be used as input for the TestCoverageLoader of the
COMFORT framework
gradle check
Change into the directory and call
gradle jar
Change into the main directory and call
gradle install
The jacoco listener can be used via Maven or Gradle. For Gradle, you need to use the forked gradle version, as we need to make some adjustments, so that we can add a custom listener easily via the build.gradle.
Include dependencies
Include the jacoco plugin in the build process
Add the new listener to the test process
Test the program:
mvn test
Add the following to the build.gradle. If this project has subprojects, make sure that these are added for each subproject that you want to analyze. Furthermore, note that your project can have other dependencies or repositories that it uses. So just add the ones that are shown below.
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
repositories {
dependencies {
testCompile group: 'de.ugoe.cs', name: 'comfort-jacoco-listener', version: '1.0.0'
test {
useJUnit {
listeners 'de.ugoe.cs.comfort.listener.JUnitListener'
Afterwards, a .exec file is generated, which can be used as input for the TestCoverageLoader of the COMFORT framework.