forthebadge made-with-python

Deterministic Optimal - TCPCI

A method to find optimal solutions for test case priotization in Continuous Integration environments

This tool allows to find optimal solutions (in a deterministic way) for traditional systems and highly configurable systems (HCSs).

Getting started


If this tool contributes to a project which leads to a scientific publication, I would appreciate a citation.

Installing required dependencies

The following command allows to install the required dependencies:

 $ pip install -r requirements.txt


The datasets used in the examples (and much more datasets) are available at Harvard Dataverse Repository. Here, we present the datasets used in this README.

HCS Dataset

SSH library (libssh) is an open-source C multiplatform library implementing the SSHv2 protocol on client and server-side. This library is designed to allow remotely execute programs, transfer files, use a secure and transparent tunnel, manage public keys, and the like. Libssh is a Highly-Configurable Software Systems (HCSS) that is statically configurable with the C preprocessor. It is available at here and hosted on GitLab. The dataset from the LIBSSH system is available at here, and it contains records from GitLab CI build history.

Traditional Systems

We consider traditional systems that ones that are not HCS.


Deeplearning4j is a deep learning library for Java Virtual Machine and it is available at here. The dataset from the Deeplearning4j system is available at here, and it contains records from Travis CI build history.


Druid is a database connection pool written in Java used by Alibaba, and it is available at here. The dataset from the Druid system is available at here, and it contains records from Travis CI build history.

About the files input

This tool considers two kind of csv files: features-engineered and data-variants. The second file, data-variants.csv, is used by the HCS, and it represents all results from all variants. The information is organized by commit and variant.


Industrial dataset representation


Using the tool

Running for a traditional system

🔥Main Option #1🔥.

To find optimal solutions for a traditional system, do:

python --project_dir 'data' --datasets 'alibaba@druid' 'deeplearning4j@deeplearning4j' --output_dir 'results/optimal_deterministic'


  • --project_dir is the directory that constains your system. For instance, we desire to run the algorithm for the systems that are inside the directory data. Please, you must to inform the complete path.
  • --datasets is an array that represents the datasets to analyse. It's the folder name inside --project_dir which contains the required file inputs.
  • --output_dir is the directory where we gonna save the results.

The another parameters available are:

  • --sched_time_ratio tghat represents the Schedule Time Ratio, that is, time constraints that represents the time available to run the tests. Default: 0.1 (10%), 0.5 (50%), and 0.8 (80%) of the time available.

Running for a HCS system

In this option, we apply two strategies to find optimal solutions for the variants: Whole Test Set Strategy (WTS) and Variant Test Set Strategy (VTS). For more information read Ref2 in References

Whole Test Set Strategy

🔥Main Option #2🔥.

Whole Test Set Strategy (WTS) prioritizes the test set composed by the union of the test cases of all variants. To run this strategy, do:

python --project_dir 'data/libssh@libssh-mirror' --considers_variants 'true' --datasets 'libssh@total' --output_dir 'results/optimal_deterministic'


  • --project_dir is the directory that constains your system. To run the variants of the libssh, we created subfolders inside the libssh@libssh-mirror directory. In this way, libssh@libssh-mirror represents the project name. Please, you must to inform the complete path.
  • --datasets is an array that represents the datasets to analyse. It's the folder name inside --project_dir which contains the required file inputs.
  • considers_variants is a flag to consider to prioritize the variants of the systems based on the WTS strategy.
  • --output_dir is the directory where we gonna save the results.

The another parameters available are:

  • --sched_time_ratio tghat represents the Schedule Time Ratio, that is, time constraints that represents the time available to run the tests. Default: 0.1 (10%), 0.5 (50%), and 0.8 (80%) of the time available.

Variant Test Set Strategy

Variant Test Set Strategy (VTS) prioritizes each variant as a system, that is, treating each variant independently. To run this strategy is similar to Main Option #1, do:

python --project_dir "data/libssh@libssh-mirror" --datasets 'libssh@CentOS7-openssl' 'libssh@CentOS7-openssl 1.0.x-x86-64' 

Now, each dataset represents a variant.



  • 👨‍💻 Jackson Antonio do Prado Lima 📧