
Mobile application developed using flutter and dart that uses the devices gps coordinates to collect the data on the distance of golfers swings. This data can then be recored with the club used for the swing and over the course of a round or two the golfer can develop meaningful averages to better determine the distances they can hit the ball with

Primary LanguageDart


Mobile application developed using flutter and dart that uses the devices gps coordinates to collect the data on the distance of golfers swings. This data can then be recored with the club used for the swing and over the course of a round or two the golfer can develop meaningful averages to better determine the distances they can hit the ball with each club. This will help them improve their golf game. The application also automatically keeps score for the user and shows a satellite image to better see where the shot was. Seen below are some previews of the application

Home screen with satellite image that can be zoomed in or out with gesture controls or buttons on the left. The club used can be selected with the spinner at the top then the distance will be displayed below and can be saved. Pressing on the screen will record the start point and end point of the shot and calculate the distance and long holding will clear the golf hole IMG_0129

Settings screen where the user can see the data for each club, add or delete clubs, and clear data if needed IMG_0131

Score page that automatically updates as the user plays the round and calculates totals for front and back 9 and 18 IMG_0130