
Student: Jackson Cleary

Student Number: 220135030

My port on turing: 50755

Folder on turing: ~/comp391/jacksonweekes-assignment2015

Javadocs for this project can be viewed online at https://uneadvancedweb.github.io/jacksonweekes-assignment2015/

All the requirements of the assignment have been met, with MongoDB now providing the datastore and ReactJS is used to create a single page app version of the application, at {host}/spa. The SPA requires a user to be authenticated to access it, and a user can only post when on their own post list. Websockets are used to maintain a connection between server and client, with new posts sent to subscribing clients.

As an additional feature, the app is set up to find the location of a user by their ip address using the ip-api.com web service. However, this does not work on Turing as the request cannot go through the proxy(it was working last when testing for the last submission, so the proxy rules must have changed), so this feature has been disabled. However if testing on a computer outside of Turing, uncomment the bottom line of the Session.java constructor and this feature should work properly.