Git Branching Score Keeper

This exercise is intended to help practice git branching and merging using the CLI (terminal).


Start by selecting Use this template for this repository. Then clone the repository to your computer.

npm install
npm start


Create a new feature branch for each of the tasks listed below and then merging the changes back into main using a pull request after each one.

You will only be making changes to the index.html and styles.css files.

Don't over think this assignment. The focus is not on the tasks. The goal is to practice branching.

Task List

The client finally got back to us with answers to our questions. We can now make edits required to complete the Score Keeper website.


Base Mode

  • feature-team-names - Team names have been assigned, they should read Team Tomato and Team Plum
    • After adding and committing, merge this branch back to main
  • feature-page-title - The title of the page should read Battle of the Fruits
    • After adding and committing, merge this branch back to main
  • feature-bg-colors - The team divs (with classes .team1 & .team2) should have background colors that match the team names
    • After adding and committing, merge this branch back to main
  • feature-footer - Create a footer at the bottom of the page that reads 'Made by Tomatoes inc.'
    • After adding and committing, merge this branch back to main

Git Branching Cheatsheet

Create a feature branch

  • git checkout main - make sure you're on the main branch
  • git pull origin main - make sure you're up to date
  • git branch feature-NAME - Create a branch (replace NAME with your feature e.g. feature-add-footer)
  • git branch - Display the branch you're currently on
  • git checkout feature-NAME - Switch to the branch

Commit one or more times

  • git add .
  • git commit -m "MESSAGE"
  • git push origin feature-NAME

Submit a pull request on GitHub

Step 1

Step 1

Step 2

Step 2

Step 3

Step 3

NOTE: You will only be able to approve the pull request (PR) if you selected "Use this template". If you forked the assignment, you won't have access to approve a PR.

Step 4

Step 4

Step 5

Step 5

That's it! Now repeat the steps for your next feature. Make sure to switch back to your main branch and pull down the updates.

  • git checkout main - make sure you're on the main branch
  • git pull origin main - make sure you're up to date

Stretch Goals

  • feature-styling - Add styling to make the page look better

Additional Resources