Simple data access for .net
class InsertPersonCommand : ICommand
private readonly string name;
private readonly DateTime dob;
public InsertPersonCommand(string name, DateTime dob)
{ = name;
this.dob = dob;
public IPreparedCommand Prepare(ICommandBuilder builder)
return builder
.WithSql("insert into people(name, dob) values (@name, @dob)")
.WithParameter("dob", this.dob)
class Program
static async Task Main()
var sessionFactory = new SessionFactory.With(config =>
.WithConnectionString("Data Source='database.db'");
using (var session = sessionFactory.CreateCommandSession())
await session.ExecuteAsync(new InsertPersonCommand("Bob", new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)));
public class Person
public long Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public DateTime Dob { get; set; }
class GetAllPeopleQuery : IQuery<IEnumerable<Person>>
public IPreparedQuery<IEnumerable<Person>> Prepare(IQueryBuilder builder)
return builder
.WithSql("select id, name, dob from people")
.WithMapper(r => new Person
Id = r.Get<long>("id"),
Name = r.Get<string>("name"),
Dob = r.Get<DateTime>("dob")
class Program
static async Task Main()
var sessionFactory = new SessionFactory.With(config =>
.WithConnectionString("Data Source='database.db'");
using (var session = sessionFactory.CreateQuerySession())
var people = await session.ExecuteAsync(new GetAllPeopleQuery());
foreach (var person in people)
Console.WriteLine($"{person.Name} born on {person.Dob}");
class FindPersonByNameQuery : IQuery<Person>
private readonly string name;
public FindPersonByNameQuery(string name)
{ = name;
public IPreparedQuery<Person> Prepare(IQueryBuilder builder)
return builder
.WithSql("select name, dob from people where name = @name")
.WithSingleMapper(row => new Person
Name = row.Get<string>("name"),
Dob = row.Get<DateTime>("dob")
class Program
static async Task Main()
var sessionFactory = new SessionFactory.With(config =>
.WithConnectionString("Data Source='database.db'");
using (var session = sessionFactory.CreateQuerySession())
var person = await session.ExecuteAsync(new FindPersonByNameQuery("bob"));
Console.WriteLine($"{person.Name} born on {person.Dob}");
class CountPeopleQuery : IQuery<long>
public IPreparedQuery<long> Prepare(IQueryBuilder builder)
return builder
.WithSql("select count(*) from people")
class Program
static async Task Main()
var sessionFactory = new SessionFactory.With(config =>
.WithConnectionString("Data Source='database.db'");
using (var session = sessionFactory.CreateQuerySession())
var count = await session.ExecuteAsync(new CountPeopleQuery());
Console.WriteLine($"There are {count} people");
class Program
static void Main()
var sessionFactory = SessionFactory.With(config =>
.WithConnectionString("Data Source='database.db'")
.WithTableParameterHandler<long>((value, parameter) =>
/* Database engines such as MSSQL Server do not
support array types natively, therefore one can
declare a custom table type and map your array onto it.
The code below, allows an IEnumerable<long> to be mapped to a
custom table `t_BigIntArray` with a column `id`
of `SqlDbType.BigInt`
var sqlParameter = (SqlParameter)parameter;
SqlMetaData[] tvpDefinition = { new SqlMetaData("id", SqlDbType.BigInt) };
sqlParameter.Value = value.Select(i =>
var sqlDataRecord = new SqlDataRecord(tvpDefinition);
sqlDataRecord.SetInt64(0, i);
return sqlDataRecord;
sqlParameter.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
sqlParameter.TypeName = "t_BigIntArray";
.WithParameterHandler<Person>((value, parameter) =>
/* Similarly, one can define how custom types are mapped
into database parameters. The example below maps a `Person`
into a DbType.String by taking the `Name` property and assigning
to the parameter.
parameter.Value = value.Name;
parameter.DbType = DbType.String;
class GetPeopleIdsQuery : IQuery<IEnumerable<long>>
private readonly long[] _ids;
public GetPeopleIdsQuery(params long[] ids)
_ids = ids;
public IPreparedQuery<IEnumerable<string>> Prepare(IQueryBuilder queryBuilder)
return queryBuilder
.WithSql("select from people p inner join @ids i on =")
.WithTableParameter("@ids", _ids)
.WithMapper(r => r.Get<string>("id"))
class Program
static void Main()
using (var session = sessionFactory.CreateQuerySession())
var peopleIds = new[] {1L, 2L};
var names = session.Execute(new GetPeopleIdsQuery(peopleIds));
Console.WriteLine($"The people are {string.Join(", ", names)}");