
Generates mazes using Prim's Algorithm

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Generates mazes using Prim's Algorithm


This program generates n x m mazes using a randomized Prim's Algorithm, which is based on this description.



python3 MazeGenerator.py <height> <width> <seed>

to generate a 10 x 10 maze.

Optionally, input integer parameters

python3 MazeGenerator.py <height> <width>

for a <height> x <width> maze.

Additionally, the program supports seeding for reproducable mazes:

python3 MazeGenerator.py <height> <width> <seed>

To export maze into file, use the terminal piping command:

python3 MazeGenerator.py > cool_maze.txt

All program prompts are printed to stderr so only the maze will be piped.

Reading the Output

Empty (round-edged) squares are denoted as paths. Walls are filled in rectangles. The borders are double lines. Starting point denoted S and end point denoted E.

Here is a 4 x 4 sample:


Another 100 x 100 maze is stored in sample_maze.txt


Python3 is recommended. To use a lower version, uncomment the first line to import the print function from the __future__.