
Pong written with the Pygame library. Includes AI opponent and touchpad/mouse controls.

Primary LanguagePython


Pong written with the Pygame library. Includes AI opponent and touchpad/mouse controls. The player plays against a very difficult AI opponent in a classic game of Pong.


This game requires Python3 and Pygame to launch. Compatability with Python2 has not been tested.

To install Pygame, type the following terminal command.

python3 -m pip install pygame --user


To launch this game, simply type

Python3 Pong.py

Doing so will launch a Pygame window that runs the game.


Control the paddle with your mouse or touchpad. Otherwise use the W or UP keys to move up and S or DOWN keys to move down.


Successfully deflecting a ball will score one point, scoring a goal will score 5. The ball will reset to the middle and serve to the scorer upon a goal being scored.