A Simple Tutorial of GDB. This tutorial are mainly from CPPCon 2015 and CPPCon 2016.
This is a lightning talk about 15 minutes, which gives a simple introduction of how to use GDB in a clever way.
By this video, you will learn how to use GDB as a mordern developer rather than a developer of neanderthalensis. :)
Slides form CPPCon 2015
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PorfLSr3DDI
Developer from China: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rN4y1s7LA?vd_source=214871085a518d6559a5be7d13ee2374
Due to limited time, Greg only gives a 15 minutes lighting presention in CPPCon 2015. So in CPPCon 2016, Greg was invited to give a full CPPCon presentation.
All skills presented in CPPCon 2015 are covered in CPPCon 2016, so I highly recommend you watch 2016's full version.
Slide from CPPCon 2016
YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-n9Fkq1e6sg
Developer from China: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Zk4y1w7ih?vd_source=214871085a518d6559a5be7d13ee2374