
A simple, intuitive and fast Slack API client for the Slack Web API

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status


  • This library is a wrapper around the Slack WebAPI (https://api.slack.com/methods)
  • This library uses the beautiful requests library (https://github.com/psf/requests) and the methods return requests.Response objects
  • This library is a homage to the great (and now archived) Slacker (https://github.com/os/slacker)
  • This library is a response to the official Slack client (https://github.com/slackapi/python-slackclient). I'm so petty I couldn't stand the the camel/snake-case hybrid: client.chat_postMessage
  • This library was made mostly by a script that scraped the Slack API method page and automagically generated the code
  • This library was touched up by a human and some tests and docs generated, but I am fully aware there could be bugs


This library aims to be:

  • Simple
  • Intuitive
  • Fast


  • This library uses f-strings and therefore is 3.6+
  • Simply install using pip
pip install slack_time

Learn by example

Getting a client:

from slack_time import get_slack_time

slack_time = get_slack_time()
  • get_slack_time will grab the SLACK_API_TOKEN environment variable
  • Environment variable grabbed can be changed:
slack_time = get_slack_time('SLACK_TOKEN')

Making a client:

from slack_time import SlackTime

slack_time = SlackTime('xoxo-hello-world')
  • Or with other config:
from slack_time import SlackTime
import requests

token = "xoxo-gossip-girl"
session = requests.Session()
proxies = {"http": "", "https": ""}
timeout = 60

slack_time = SlackTime(token, session=session, proxies=proxies, timeout=timeout)

Using the client:

from slack_time import get_slack_time

slack_time = get_slack_time()

slack.chat.post_message("general", "Hey team, I love this knock off Slacker library!")

Inspecting a response:

>>> resp = slack_time.api.test(foo='bar')
>>> resp
<Response [200]>
>>> resp.json()
    'ok': True,
    'args': {
        'token': 'xoxp-your-token',
        'foo': 'bar'


  • When an 'error' is returned in the response it will be raised as an exception
  • The exception will subclassed from SlackError
>>> slack_time.api.test(error='hello')
Traceback (most recent call last):
slack_time.api.hello: You tried to perform a request to https://slack.com/api/api.test.
The server returned a 'hello' response. Find out more at: https://api.slack.com/methods/api.test#errors

>>> from slack_time import SlackError
>>> try:
...     slack_time.api.test(error='hello')
... except SlackError:
...     pass

How it works

Some examples:

  • admin.conversations.convertToPrivate -> slack_time.admin.conversations.convert_to_private
  • admin.conversations.ekm.listOriginalConnectedChannelInfo -> admin.conversations.ekm.list_original_connected_channel_info
  • files.revokePublicURL -> files.revoke_public_url
  • etc


from slack_time import get_slack_time

slack = get_slack_time()


with open('hello_world.txt') as f:


Please use the slack docs https://api.slack.com/methods


  • I imagine there are bugs
  • Please feel free to submit a PR, you will need to install pre-commit (https://pre-commit.com/)