**大陆 31 个省份 1978 年至 2019 年一千多万工商企业注册信息,包含企业名称、注册地址、统一社会信用代码、地区、注册日期、经营范围、法人代表、注册资金、企业类型。
数据以 CSV 、Excel 及 JSON 三种文件类型存储,相应文件分别保存在 Enterprise-Registration-Data/csv、Enterprise-Registration-Data/xls、Enterprise-Registration-Data/json 三个分支中。
其中 CSV 与 Excel 的格式为:企业名称、统一社会信用代码、注册日期、企业类型、法人代表、注册资金、经营范围、所在省份、地区、注册地址,编码为 UTF-8,
JSON 的编码为 UTF-8,文件格式如下:
前期大部分数据已经上传完毕,最新数据会视情况以半年一次的频率不定期进行更新,如果您在使用过程中发现数据存在编码等格式问题,请在 issues 中进行反馈。
This repository is an dataset of over 10,000,000 enterprise registration data of 31 provinces in Chinese mainland from 1978 to 2019.
The enterprise registration data including 10 items: the name of enterprise,uniform social credit code,registration date,character of economy,legal representative,registered capital,business scope,province,city and registration address.
The dataset represents in three different types: CSV,Excel and JSON,which are located at Enterprise-Registration-Data/csv、Enterprise-Registration-Data/xls、Enterprise-Registration-Data/json .
The order of 10 items in CSV and Excel are :
name,code,registrationDay,character,legalRepresentative,capital,businessScope,province,city,address. And the record in the JSON file is represented as below:
"name":"the name of enterprise",
"code":"uniform social credit code",
"registrationDay":"registration date",
"character":"character of economy",
"legalRepresentative":"legal representative",
"capital":"registered capital",
"businessScope":"business scope",
"address":"registration address"
The encoding of all those files are UTF-8.
Most of the data were uploaded,the latest data will be updated twice a year from time to time.If you find some encoding problems in this dataset please feedback in issues . Give me a star or fork this repository if you like it.
刘文. **大陆企业工商注册信息数据集[EB/OL].https://github.com/imhuster/Enterprise-Registration-Data-of-Chinese-Mainland, 2019-06-01.
If you want to use this dataset in you paper,you can use the flowing citation format:
Wen Liu. Enterprise-Registration-Data-of-Chinese-Mainland[EB/OL].https://github.com/imhuster/Enterprise-Registration-Data-of-Chinese-Mainland, 2019-06-01.
The data of this repository is collected from the several open data web sites of Chinese government and this repository is released under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)