
An Elixir library which implements the Raft consensus protocol

Primary LanguageElixir



Raf is an Elixir implementation of the Raft distributed consensus protocol. It provides users with an api for building consistent (2F+1 CP), distributed state machines. Raft protocol is described in the original paper.


  • Leader election
  • Log replication
  • Configuration changes


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding raf to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:raf, "~> 0.1.0"}


Launch 3 nodes

$ iex --sname peer1@localhost -S mix
iex(peer1@localhost)1> Raf.start_test_node(:peer1)

$ iex --sname peer2@localhost -S mix
iex(peer2@localhost)1> Raf.start_test_node(:peer2)

$ iex --sname peer3@localhost -S mix
iex(peer3@localhost)1> Raf.start_test_node(:peer3)

when peers have been running. You can check peers' status:


Config cluster

At this point all the peers are in the follow state. In order to get them to communicate we need to define a cluster configuration. In our case, we'll run on node peer1:

peers = [{:peer1, :peer1@localhost},
        {:peer2, :peer2@localhost},
        {:peer3, :peer3@localhost}]
Raf.set_config(:peer1, peers)

Once election is done. You can see who is the current leader:

iex(peer2@localhost)3> Raf.get_leader(:peer2)
{:peer1, :peer1@localhost}

Write Operations

# Create a new ets table
Raf.write(:peer1, {:new, :sometable})

# Store an erlang term in that table
Raf.write(:peer1, {:put, :sometable, :somekey, :someval})

# Delete a term from the table
Raf.write(:peer1, {:delete, :sometable, :somekey})

# Delete a table
Raf.write(:peer1, {:delete, :sometable})

Read Operations

# Read an erlang term
Raf.read(:peer1, {:get, :sometable, :somekey})

# list tables
Raf.read(:peer1, :list_tables)

# list keys
Raf.read(:peer1, {:list_keys, :somekey})