
substrate mobile wallet

Primary LanguageDart


Thanks Polkawallet for this fantastic framework to develop customized substrate-based blockchain mobile wallet.

xxWallet has the following features:

  • Create Quantum Secured(QS) Kyepair, import/export QS mnemonic
  • Add cmix functions in xxnetwork plugin
  • Special features for xxnetwork
  • Update UI
  • ...

Download APK


  • Flutter 2.2.2
  • Dart 2.13.3
  • Node v14.16+

Note: use flutter/dart exactly as aboved version, be sure that flutter doctor is well running.

Repos and Structure

This app was built with several repos.

__ xxWallet
    |__ /xx_mobile_wallet
    |    |__ Mobile wallet main code
    |__ /mobile_wallet_sdk
    |    |__ jackygu2006/mobile_wallet_sdk/js_api
    |         |__ Managing Standard and Quantum Secured keyPairs(QSK)
    |         |__ Connect to remote node and call polkadot-js/api methods
    |    |__ Interface writen by dart to connect SDK
    |__ /xxwallet_ui
    |    |__ Some common used flutter widgets, like AddressInputForm, TxConfirmPage, ScanPage...
    |__ /polkawallet_plugin_xxnetwork
    |    |__ Plugin for xxnetwork by mobx framework
    |    |__ Add customized pallets and functions here
    |__ github.com/polkawallet-io/polkawallet_plugin_kusama
    |    |__ Plugin for polkadot/kusama
    |__ <plugin of another substrate based chain>
    |__ <...>

Wallet and Subpuppy framework

The wallet get data from SubPuppy(https://github.com/jackygu2006/subpuppy), a indexed database service.

The framework is following:


For Android

If you don't want to build release package, just pass step 1-2, forward to step 3.

Step 1. Open a new Firebase App

Go to Filebase console to open a new APP, download google-services.json.

Refer to Android Installation for FlutterFire for more information.

Step 2. Generate Key Store file

Generate a Key Store file for signing the App, let's set the file name sign.jks.

Click here to get more information on how to generate key store file.

Step 3. Build SDK

git clone https://github.com/jackygu2006/mobile_wallet_sdk.git`
cd mobile_wallet_sdk
flutter pub get
cd js_api
yarn & yarn build
cd ..

After building, the wrapped single main.js file will be in js_api/dist/. This file will be called by webViewRunner.dart.

The Quantum Secured Keyring(QSK) was operated in lib/service/keyring.dart, loading /assets/wasm/sleeve.wasm and create QSK.

  • Note: After yarn install, you need to change js_api/node-modules/@polkadot/types/augment/lookup/types-substrate.d.ts a little bit. Add an element cmix_root? into interface PalletStakingValidatorPrefs, put the type is Hash.

The new PalletStakingValidatorPrefs will be like this:

    interface PalletStakingValidatorPrefs extends Struct {
        readonly commission: Compact<Perbill>;
        readonly blocked: bool;
        readonly cmix_root?: Hash;

Step 4. Get xxWallet ui and xxnetwork plugin

git clone https://github.com/jackygu2006/xxwallet_ui.git
git clone https://github.com/jackygu2006/polkawallet_plugin_xxnetwork.git
cd xxwallet_ui
flutter pub get
cd ..
cd polkawallet_plugin_xxnetwork
flutter pub get
cd ..

Just clone and run flutter pub get, don't do anything else.

Step 5. Get main xxWallet

git clone https://github.com/jackygu2006/xx_mobile_wallet.git
cd xx_mobile_wallet

Step 6. Config key.properties

Copy google-services.json(see step 1) into path xx_mobile_wallet/android/app/

Copy the key file sign.jks(see step 2) into path: xx_mobile_wallet/android/app/key/

cd android/app/
cp key.properties.sample key.properties

Change the following params:

storePassword=              # key's store password
keyPassword=                # key's password
keyAlias=sign               # key's alias
storeFile=                  # key file name, ex. app/key/sign.jks

Step 7. Config local.properties

Go to ./android/app/, copy local.properties.sample to local.properties, set the params as your development environment.

sdk.dir=                    # Android SDK path, ex. /Users/username/Library/Android/sdk 
flutter.sdk=                # Flutter SDK path, ex. /Users/username/web/flutter
jpush.apiKey=               # JiGuang Push service SDK API Key

Step 8. Build and run

cd xx_mobile_wallet
flutter pub get
flutter build apk

The apk file is build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk, download it to Android mobile and install it.

For development on simulator, run flutter run ./lib/main.dart --flavor=prod


Refer to IOS Installation for FlutterFire