Pesky World

What is this

A 2D game project made with Unity, as a way to consolidate my understanding of the different elements of game development before my upcoming game development.

Is this a real game then?

Nope. It's runnable and you can play with it, but you can't do much with it. And it's not published.


  • Install UnityHub and Unity (This project was created in a LTS version of Unity 2021.3.16f1)
  • Clone this repo and open the directory Pesky World from Unity editor

Here is a list of the features included in this proejct

  • Version control via Git and GitHub
  • Health bar UI and basic player damage system
  • NPC movement via waypoints
  • Various NPC animations including running, sitting and making phone calls
  • Tilemap


  • The brilliant 2D sprites are from Gif
  • Health bar UI is from Brackeys


  • Create more NPCs with a spawner
  • NPC variants
  • Add NPC dialogues
  • Login scene
  • Login system
  • Load and save system