
Download all companies periodic reports, filings and forms from EDGAR database.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Tests Status Docs Status

Getting filings of various companies at once is really a pain, but SEC-Edgar does that for you. You can download all of a company’s periodic reports, filings and forms from the EDGAR database with a single command.


You can install the package using pip:

$ pip install secedgar


You can clone the project:

$ git clone https://github.com/sec-edgar/sec-edgar.git
$ cd sec-edgar
$ python setup.py install


Company Filings

Single Company

from secedgar import filings, FilingType

# 10Q filings for Apple (ticker "aapl")
my_filings = filings(cik_lookup="aapl",
                     user_agent="Your name (your email)")

Multiple Companies

from secedgar import filings, FilingType

# 10Q filings for Apple and Facebook (tickers "aapl" and "fb")
my_filings = filings(cik_lookup=["aapl", "fb"],
                     user_agent="Your name (your email)")

Daily Filings

from secedgar import filings
from datetime import date

daily_filings = filings(start_date=date(2021, 6, 30),
                        user_agent="Your name (your email)")
daily_urls = daily_filings.get_urls()

Supported Methods

Currently this crawler supports many different filing types. To see the full list, please refer to the docs. If you don't see a filing type you would like to be supported, please create an issue on GitHub.


To learn more about the APIs and latest changes in the project, read the official documentation.