Illumination modulation for reflective and fluorescent separation


This is the dataset for Illumination modulation for reflective and fluorescent separation, Optics Letters 2020, by Ying Fu, Yunhao Zou, Liheng Bian, Yuxiang Guo, and Hua Huang.

Optical System

Considering that high frequency data can facilitate the separation of reflectance and fluorescence, we build a novel illumination modulation system, which can modulate an arbitrary off-the-shelf light source to a high frequency one. The optical system is independent of the spectral distribution of the original light source.


Using the above optical system, we capture several scenes with both reflective and fluorecent components. We provide the .mat format file in BaiduDisk, with the extraction code b87l.

The images in Mat folder are the original high dimensional spectral data, and RGB folder contains simple RGB visualizations.


If you find this work useful for your research, please cite:

  title={Illumination modulation for reflective and fluorescent separation},
  author={Fu, Ying and Zou, Yunhao and Bian, Liheng and Guo, Yuxiang and Huang, Hua},
  journal={Optics Letters},
  publisher={Optical Society of America}