
Debian (10) on iSH-AOK

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Be aware that this was an early experiment, and is badly out of date. I continued my work adopting Debian for iSH-AOK within AOK-Filesystem-Tools, my fork, where I now spend my time improving on Debian usage. I recently added Devuan, another Debian based distro to the list of File systems supported.


Debian (10) on iSH-AOK

You should be aware that Debian 10 hit its EOL as of 2022-09-10 So this is using an unsupported version, but since it is the last Debian built for x86-32, that is all we have for now


  • Give an initial option after install: Do you want to use Debian or Alpine?


  • Install ish-AOK (TestFlight)
  • Import provided Debian FS V.pre6 or the original full version and mount it - be warned the originals size is 270MB vs aprox 55MB!
  • run dev_fix.sh to fix /dev content, if you have linked clipboard simplest is to just copy-paste the lines of the script skipping the first line into your iOS device
  • vi is blocked from running due to an unfortunate alias. If you prefer to use vi, first do nano .bashrc and search for vim, comment that alias out and restart ish-AOK - problem solved!
  • apt update
  • apt upgrade

FS Sizes

The reduced FS will be restored upon install

  • 270M Debian_10_i386_iSH-AOK_B2.tar.bz2
  • 57M Small6.tar.bz2