
This is an androidx ready super customisable library written in Kotlin to easily add MCQs to your application.

Primary LanguageKotlin


This is an androidx ready super customisable library written in Kotlin to easily add MCQs to your application.


### Gradle:
In your project gradle, add
	allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  In app's gradle file add
  dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.jacob-abe:supercharged_mcq:$latest_version'
### Maven:

What is this repository for?

This is based off of arivista-digital / AD_Android_MCQ_Library, only difference is I made it easier to import and use and added some crucial functionalities so you dont have to bother.


  • Single Answer Selection
  • Mutiple Answer Selection
  • Correct and Wrong answers differentiate by color
  • Submit Answer
  • Clear Selection
  • Reveal Answer
  • Hide answers from quiz takers
  • Observable pattern to get user's inputs

How to use

  • activity_main Layout initialize
        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
  • MainActivity Funtionalites
  • Add the questions

Single Choice Questions

 val choicesSingle = ArrayList<ChoiceModel>()
        choicesSingle.add(ChoiceModel(1, "Option 1", false))
        choicesSingle.add(ChoiceModel(2, "Option 2", false))
        choicesSingle.add(ChoiceModel(3, "Option 3", false))
        choicesSingle.add(ChoiceModel(4, "Option 4", true))
        choicesSingle.add(ChoiceModel(5, "Option 5", false))

Mutiple Choice Questions

 val choicesMulti = ArrayList<ChoiceModel>()
        choicesMulti.add(ChoiceModel(1, "Option 1", true))
        choicesMulti.add(ChoiceModel(2, "Option 2", true))
        choicesMulti.add(ChoiceModel(3, "Option 3", false))
        choicesMulti.add(ChoiceModel(4, "Option 4", false))
        choicesMulti.add(ChoiceModel(5, "Option 5", false))
  • Custom view object creation
      val superChargedChoiceView = findViewById<SuperChargedChoiceView>(R.id.supercharged_mcq_view)
  • Set Question just call the fuctions on custom view
        arivistaview.setQuestion("Single choice question?");
        arivistaview.setChoiceType(choicesSingle, ChoiceType.SINGLE)

        arivistaview.setQuestion("Multi choice question?")
        arivistaview.setChoiceType(choicesMulti, ChoiceType.MULTIPLE)

*Added functionalities superChargedChoiceView.setHiddenMode() to hide answers from end quiz taker setUserAnswer(choice: ChoiceModel) of your choice to pre select a choice




Contribute freely!

I'm pretty liberal with accepting pull requests and will merge if it adds any good functionality. You can also post issues and enhancement requests. Happy coding!