
Lab for working with JQuery and AJAX

Primary LanguageJavaScript


First take the Khan quiz to make sure you know basic javascript. In this assignment you will implement a jquery ajax call to get the current weather.

Example of Weather Page

The weather section should do the following:

  1. Allow the user to type characters into a form. With each keystroke, query a REST service that will return a list of cities in utah that have those characters as a prefix. This will provide a hint to the user as to what legal values can be. Put these options into a list. These hints may be helpful.

  2. When the user selects the submit button, take the entry from the form and put it into the CITY box on the page. These hints may be helpful.

  3. The submit button will also query the weatherunderground REST service to get the current weather for that city. These hints may be helpful.

You must also add a section where a user can type a word into an input field, with a button that will query the StackExchange REST service for questions with the word in the topic. For example, if the user had entered "javascript" in the form, then you would create the following REST request



  • If your page does not work with the test driver (which utilizes a page object like the one in this repository), you will not get points.
  • Grading is based on the following table (subject to change):
Behavior Approximate Points
You have the basic layout and parts of the application 25
Your application correctly suggests cities based on the input value 20
A User can search for an inputed city's weather 20
A User can search Stack Exchange for an inputed word 25
Your page looks really good. This is subjective, so wow us. 10
  • In your efforts to make your page look good, make sure that you don't change the functionality of the assignment or you will be subject to losing points.