A comprehensive, user-friendly toolkit for visualizing and analyzing statistical interactions. A spinoff from the `jtools` package.
- amrrs
- benmarwickUniversity of Washington
- ck37Harvard Medical School, Mass General Hospital
- daniel-wellsGenoimcs plc
- EdJeeOnGitHubChicago, IL
- embracefall
- gorkangSpain
- gpwilliamsNorthumbria University
- hail2thiefhttps://www.ucdavis.edu
- hauselin
- jacob-longUniversity of South Carolina
- jeffmaxPhiladelphia, PA
- jgjlBay Area
- JosueMAMéxico
- jsphygLexington, SC
- jstaLos Alamos National Laboratory
- justinmillarPATH
- laderastFred Hutch Data Science Lab @fhdsl
- leiiiPeking University
- Leo-Lee15China
- michaelpierce87Toronto
- mkearneyMeijer
- mkim0710
- n3ssunoMilano, Italy
- orhmeh09Istanbul
- r4umBengaluru
- reveluntDepartment of Communication, Yonsei University, S. Korea
- rmurrayedOttawa
- sudeepsahadevanEMBL
- talegariGames24x7
- tjmahrMadison, WI
- TysonStanleyUtah
- vikjam
- werkstattcodes
- xiaojunlinSichuan University
- zhangxiuboDublin, Republic of Ireland