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A community run blog for full stack developers.
Stackology provides a space for full stack web developers to read and publish blog posts about the latest tools, techniques, tutorials for development. Users can build a following and discuss ideas in the comments section of each of their blog posts.
A user may do the following:
- Resize the window to get a layout that is appropriate for the screen dimensions
- Click on a blog post to read its contents and comments
- Click the "Write a Post" or "Login" button to be brought to login page
- Sign Up with new credentials or login with a username and password
When logged in, a user may do the following:
- Click the "Write" button to write a new blog post
- Enter the blog post title, thumbnail URL, and content, then click the "Post" button to publish the blog post
- Write a comment on any blog post
- Click the "Dashboard" link to be brought to their dashboard, where their blog posts can be edited and deleted
- Click the "Logout" link to log out of their account
- Seed Data: ChatGPT
- Default blog post thumbnail: by pikisuperstar on Freepik
- All thumbnail URLs used in this project are owned by their respective entities
This project is made under the MIT License.