
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


I am a beautiful React.Component tree and I will help you present FS hierarchy within a React App. No dependencies, just pure awesomeness! My creator has created me after testing few alternatives for tortilla.academy, and has found nothing which is as stylish and can show git-diff annotations right out of the box next to each file (here's an example page which was built with me).


This is how I look like behind the scenes:

import React from 'react'
import FSRoot from 'react-fs-tree'

const FSTree = () => (
  <FSRoot childNodes={[
    { name: 'file' },
    { name: 'added file', mode: 'a' },
    { name: 'deleted file', mode: 'd' },
    { name: 'modified file', mode: 'm' },
    { name: 'folder', childNodes: [
      { name: 'foo' },
      { name: 'bar' },
      { name: 'baz' },
    ] },
  ]} />

A small demonstration app of me can be found in the demo dir.

My nodes will pop and glow once you click on them. I'll be sure to notify you whenever it happens ;-)

const onSelect = (node) => {
  console.log(`node ${node.path} selected`)

const onOpen = (node) => {
  console.log(`node ${node.path} opened`)

<FSRoot onSelect={onSelect} onOpen={onOpen} childNodes={[
  // ...
]} />

I can also notify you on...

  • onSelect(node)

  • onDeselect(node)

  • onSelectChange(node)

  • onOpen(node)

  • onClose(node)

  • onOpenChange(node)

Each of my nodes is an entity of its own and will do exactly what you tell it to:

  • node.open() - Will open the node.

  • node.close() - Will close the node.

  • node.toggleOpen() - Will open the node if closed and will close the node if opened.

  • node.select() - Will select the node.

  • node.deselect() - Will deselect the node.

  • node.toggleSelect() - Will select the node if deselected and will deselect the node if selected.

You can also ask for any of its details, like...

  • node.name - The name of the node e.g. foo.

  • node.path - The full path of the node starting from the root e.g. ~/folder/foo.

  • node.childNodes - An array of the direct children of the node.

  • node.parentNode - The parent of the node.

  • node.root - The greatest ancestor of the node.

  • node.opened - Whether the node is opened or not.

  • node.selected - Whether the node is selected or not.

  • node.branchedOut - Whether the node has offspring or not.

  • node.virtual - Whether the node is currently rendered or is just a virtual representation of the its data*.

* A node is an actual instance of its belonging React.Component.

You should also know that...

  • You can make me non interactive by passing me the noninteractive flag. When that happens my nodes won't respond to your clicks, and neither do I. You can ask each of my nodes whether it's interactive or not with node.noninteractive.

  • You can pass a git-diff mode that will signify whether the node was added ('a'), deleted ('d') or modified ('m'). You can ask the node what's its mode at anytime using node.mode.

If you like what you see you can install me with npm:

$ npm install react-fs-tree

And since I have an MIT license feel free to use me!
