
Composable SwiftUI

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift5 Platform chat on Discord

Water - enable you to progressively write functional SwiftUI.

func CounterView() -> some View {
    let count = defValue(0)

    return View {
        HStack {
            Button("+1") {
                count.value += 1
            Button("-1") {
                count.value -= 1

Why use Water?

As we all know, SwiftUI provides a lot of state management tools, such as: @State@StateObject@Binding ..., but these tools can be very confusing for a newbie to SwiftUI, what tool to use when exactly? Also, when the project gets complex, you will be disgusted by the screen full of @ symbols.

Now, let's see what @ means in Swift:

  • Attribute: @main@objc, @autoclosure
  • PropertyWrapper: @State, @StateObject
  • Macro: @Observable

For developers, all those @ usages will place a heavy burden on the development mind.

In my opinion, @ also don't conform to normal programming syntax and make your code hard to read and maintain!

So I am trying to develop this library - Water.

Of course, Water not only solves the above problems, but more importantly guides you through a progressive approach to writing SwiftUI code that will help you step-by-step towards your own standalone project.

Water design for the following purposes:

  • Clear: not require confusing @ symbols
  • Clean: focus on code logic rather than code style
  • Composable: reuse your code use Composable (MVVM not recommend, but support)
  • Freedom: not constrain the way you write code (Redux style not recommend, but support)
  • Maintainable: easy and visual testing the state logic


Swift Package Manager

Add the Package url to your Xcode Project or Package.swift, finally your Package.swift manifest should like below:

let package = Package(
  name: "MyApp",
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/OpenLyl/Water.git", .branch("main")),
  targets: [
    .target(name: "MyApp", dependencies: [
      .product(name: "Water", package: "Water"),


First, add the following entry in your Podfile:

pod 'Water', :git => 'https://github.com/OpenLyl/Water.git', :branch => 'main'

Then run pod install.

Finally, don't forget to import the framework with import Water.


When using Water, you only need to consider whether your state is a valueobject or an array.

define value

func UserView() -> some View {
    let name = defValue("jack")
    let age = defValue(20)
    return View {
        Text("\(name.value)'s age = \(age.value)")
        Button("change age") {
            age.value += 1
        TextField("input your name", text: name.bindable)

define object

struct User {
    var name: String
    var age: Int
func UserView() -> some View {
    let user = defReactive(User(name: "jack", age: 20))
    return View {
        VStack {
            Text("user.name = \(user.name)")
            Text("user.age = \(user.age)")
            VStack {
                Button("change name") {
                    user.name = "rose"
                Button("change age") {
                    user.age += 1

define array

func NumberListView() -> some View {
    let array = ["1", "2", "3"]
    var nextIndex = array.count + 1

    let items = defReactive(array)

    return View {
        VStack {
            LazyVStack {
                ForEach(items, id: \.self) { item in
                    Text("the item = \(item)")
                Text("combined value = \(items.joined(separator: "-|"))")
            HStack(spacing: 16) {
                Button("add item") {
                    nextIndex += 1
                Button("remove all") {
                    nextIndex = 0
                Button("clean item") {
                    nextIndex = 3
                    items.replace(with: ["1", "2", "3"])

define watch

Water also has the ability to listen for data changes and quickly select useful states by using defWatch.

func WatchEffectView() -> some View {
    let count = defValue(0)
    let name = defValue("some name")
    defWatchEffect { _ in
        // declare a side effect
        print("trigger watch effect")
    defWatch(name) { value, oldValue, _ in
        // when name change do something
        print("name changed = \(value), old name = \(oldValue)")
    return View {
        Text("the count = \(count.value)")
        Button("click me change count") {
            count.value += 1
        Text("the name = \(name.value)")
        TextField("name", text: name.bindable)

define computed

In most cases, you can use Swift native computed property directly to pick the defined states.

let user = defineReactive(User(name: "hello", age: 18))

var displayName: String {
    "name is \(user.name)"

var displayAge: String {
    "\(user.age) years old"

outside of this,Water also provide the cacheable computed property, when there are complex data processing, use defComputed.

func FilterNumbersView() -> some View {
    let showEven = defValue(false)
    let items = defReactive([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
    let evenNumbers = defComputed {
        items.filter { !showEven.value || $0 % 2 == 0}
    return View {
        VStack {
            Toggle(isOn: showEven.bindable) {
                Text("Only show even numbers")
            Button("dynamic insert num") {
                let newNumbers = [7, 8, 9, 10]
                items.append(contentsOf: newNumbers)
        .padding(.horizontal, 15)
        List(evenNumbers.value, id: \.self) { num in
            Text("the num = \(num)")


Once all the states become reactive, use composable way to extract the data logic is so natural.


useReducer allow you code SwiftUI in Redux style, very similar to swift-composable-architecture.

struct CountState {
    var count: Int = 0

enum CountAction {
    case increase
    case decrease

func countReducer(state: inout CountState, action: CountAction) {
    switch action {
    case .increase:
        state.count += 1
    case .decrease:
        state.count -= 1

func ReducerCounterView() -> some View {
    let (useCountState, dispatch) = useReducer(CountState(), countReducer)

    return View {
        Text("the count = \(useCountState().count)")
        HStack {
            Button("+1") {
            Button("-1") {


useStore will be more powerful than useReducer, it's still under development.

let useCounterStore = defStore("counter") {
    let count = defValue(0)

    func increment() {
        count.value += 1

    func decrement() {
        count.value -= 1

    return (count, increment, decrement)

func StoreCountView() -> some View {
    let store = useCounterStore()

    return View {
        Text("the count = \(store().count)")
        HStack {
            Button("+1") {
            Button("-1") {


useFetch provides the ability to send http restful requests and final fetch the network result data, now is a simple version, it will be more flexible and powerful in the future.

func UseFetchView() -> some View {
    let (isFetching, error, data) = useFetch(url: "https://httpbin.org/get")
    return View {
        VStack {
            Text(isFetching.value ? "is fetching" : "fetch completed")
            Text("error = \(error.value)")
            if let data = data.value, let responseString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
                Text("data is \(responseString)")


useAsyncState provides the ability to use state from existing async context. sometimes, it's more useful than useFetch.

struct Todo: Codable {
    let id: Int
    let todo: String
    let completed: Bool

func fetchTodos() async -> [Todo] {

func UseAsyncStateView() -> some View {
    let (state, isLoading) = useAsyncState(fetchTodos, [] as [Todo])
    var todos: [Todo] {

    return View {
        if isLoading.value {
        } else {
            List(todos, id: \.id) { todo in


The following code shows how to get the system environment on demand, it's equivalent to @Environment(\.dismiss) private var dismiss.

func UseEnvironmentView() -> some View {
    let dismiss = useEnvironment(\.dismiss)
    let count = defValue(0)
    return View {
        VStack {
            Text("new value = \(count.value)")
            Button("+1") {
                count.value += 1
            Button("-1") {
                count.value -= 1
            Button("dismiss") {

can also use .bindable to keep sync with system bindable environment.

func UseEditModeEnvironmentView() -> some View {
    let name = defValue("hello word edit mode")
    let editMode = defValue(EditMode.inactive)
    return View {
        Form {
            if editMode.value.isEditing == true {
                TextField("Name", text: name.bindable)
            } else {
        .animation(nil, value: editMode.value)
        .toolbar {
        .environment(\.editMode, editMode.bindable)


under development

Build your own composable

under writing


under development


under development


use official struct view style

struct CountereView: View {
    let count = defValue(0)

    var body: some View {
        Water.View { // will change in future
            Text("current count = \(count.value)")
            HStack {
                Button("+") {
                    count.value += 1
                Button("-") {
                    count.value -= 1

integrate with other SwfitUI views

under writing


  • UseCases
    • ValueUseCases
    • ReactivityUseCases
    • WatchUseCases
    • ReducerUseCases
    • StoreUseCases
    • ComputedUseCases
    • ComposableUseCases
    • MemoUseCases
    • EnvironmentUseCases
    • NavigationUseCases
    • EffectScopeUseCases
    • UseFetchUseCasesView
  • Todos
  • SwiftUI Essentials
  • Garden (Mastodon client) - under development
  • Other TCA examples - under development

Compare with X

compare with swift-composable-architecture

under writing


If you want to discuss Water or have a question about how to use it to solve a particular problem, you can join the discord channel:



This project is heavily inspired by the following awesome projects.


Water is only a basic MVP at this point and is not recommended for online products, there are still some areas that need to be worked on, as follows:

  • need more util functions to handle reactivity system
  • Composables is just getting started, need more logic to handle complex situations
  • add more unit test and improve the test coverage
  • write more use cases with snapshot test
  • write more example apps and tutorials
  • code with more comments
  • performance test

so if you are interested in this project, please join us for something fun!


This library is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.