
My Arch and i3 rice files

Primary LanguagePython

My Rice

Config Files

i3/config - config for i3-gaps
i3status/config - config for i3status -- Not being used, using Polybar now
ranger/rc.conf - config for ranger
images/wallpaper.jpg - wallpaper used by feh
images/lockscreen.png - wallpaper used by i3lock
polybar/* config and scripts for Polybar
bashrc - bash config
global-vimrc - The global vim config found at /etc/vimrc
vimrc - The local vim config found at ~/.vimrc
Xresources - Rofi and Terminal Themes
compton.conf - I have made a few small changes to compton to handle stacked/tabbed containers and fix lag in URxvt
ricepush - The script that grabs all my configs and pushes them to github
ricepull - A script to pull config files and copy them to the appropriate locations

TODO: Describe each config file and important changes